Tim has been involved in health care for 40 years and has held roles from staff nurse to senior executive in a variety of healthcare settings. Tim is currently senior partner of an international healthcare consulting firm in Atlanta specializing in health futures, organizational innovation, and conflict and change, as well as health service delivery models. He is noted for his work on shared governance models, clinical leadership, conflict, and health futures. He is associate professor and leadership scholar at Arizona State University, Program in Healthcare Innovation; Visting Scholar at University of Maryland; and an adjunct professor at Lakehead University of Ontario, Canada.
Tim holds graduate degrees in clinical leadership and two doctorates, one in learning behavior and a second in organizational and systems leadership. In addition, He received a Doctor of Science degree, honoris causa, from the Medical University of Ohio. He has done postdoctoral work in aging and is board-certified in advanced practice in gerontology. Tim is also certified by the Georgia Supreme Court’s Office of Dispute Resolution as a registered mediator and arbitrator.
Tim has published extensively in healthcare with more than 165 proctored journal articles and 19 books and is a six-time winner of the AJN Healthcare Book of the Year Award. He has consulted internationally with more than 500 institutions and has lectured in more than 1,000 settings internationally. He has held a number of offices in professional associations and national and community boards, such as vice chair of the governing board of Catholic Health East, governor with Sigma Theta Tau International, president of AID Atlanta and president of the Georgia Nurses Foundation, just to name a few.