The Journal of Shared Governance 1995 – 1998
Volume 1, Issue 1:
Porter-O’Grady T. Guest Editorial.
Jones L. Not Just A…Just Asleep. Consultant’s Corner.
Fitzsimons S. A Source of Pride. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
McSkimmings S, Johnson MK, Granberg SJ. Shared Governance and Professional Practice: A Process of Continual Learning. (St. Vincent’s Hospital & MC; Portland, OR)
Gustin TJ, Fellows K. A Self-Managed Work Group in Nursing Management. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Horstman P, Zlokas M. Policy, Procedure, and Standards of Practice Development Through Shared Governance. (West Virginia University Hospitals; Morgantown, WV)
Maurer G. True Empowerment: From Shared Governance to Self-Managed Work Groups on a Patient Care Unit. (Magee Women’s Hospital; Pittsburgh, PA)
Volume 1, Issue 2:
Pinkerton SE. Guest Editorial. (Shands Hospital, University of Florida; Gainsville, FL)
Jones L. Does Form Ever Follow Function? Consultant’s Corner.
Doty C. Visioning: Just How Important Is It? Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Children’s MC; Dayton, OH)
Reis D, Sturis I. Focusing Shared Governance on Patient Care (The Toledo Hospital; Toledo, OH)
Applegate BA. A Values Integration Approach to Shared Governance Implementation. (St. Vincent’s Hospital; Indianapolis, IN)
Styche K, Spagnol L, Englert J. A New Beginning. (Magee Womens Hospital; Pittsburgh, PA)
McSkimming S, Johnson MK, Granberg SJ. Shared Governance and Professional Practice: The Changes and the Pain. (St. Vincent Hospital & MC; Portland, OR)
Volume 1, Issue 3:
Johnson L. Guest Editorial. (Rose MC; Denver, CO)
Jones L. How Committed Are We? Consultant’s Corner.
Jacoby J. Changes Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Desert Hosital; Palm Springs, CA)
Martin PA. Evaluation of Shared Governance. (Wright State University-Miami Valley College of Nursing; Dayton, OH)
Woolf SL. Charting a Course to the Stars. (Mercy MC; Springfield, OH)
Porter-O’Grady T. From Principle to Practice: Whole Systems Shared Governance.
McSkimming S, Johnson MK, Granberg SJ. Shared Governance and Professional Practice: Learning from the Past and Planning for the Future. (St. Vincent Hospital & MC; Portland, OR)
Volume 1, Issue 4:
Wesorick B. What Will Be Your Legacy Nurse: To Lead or Survive Chaos? Guest Editorial. (CPM Resource Center and CPM Consortium; Grand Rapids, MI)
Jones L. Empowerment or Anarchy. Consultant’s Corner.
Kerfoot K. From Shared Governance Through Shared Leadership to Transprofessional Synergism: One Nurse Executive’s Experience. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital; Houston, TX)
Frenn D, Schuh D. An Evolving Model of Shared Governance. (Holy Family Memorial MC; Manitowoc, WI)
Fellows K, Gustin TJ. Administrative Officer: Evolving a New Role Through the Process of a Self-Managed Work Group. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Walsh T, Moore D. A Clinical Ladder: A Tool to Develop Advanced Practice. (Desert Hospital; Palm Springs, CA)
Volume 2, Issue 1:
Kritek PB. What If It is Sometimes Mismanaged Care? Guest Editorial. (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; Galveston, TX)
Jones L. How do We Revive Nursing’s Passion? Consultant’s Corner.
Frusti D. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Mayo MC Rochester; Rochester, MN)
Spicuzza L. Transition of a Management System Through the Use of Shared Governance Principles. (Allegheny-Singer Research Institute; Pittsburgh, PA)
Joiner G. Learning to Lead Through the Process of Shared Governance. (Akron General MC; Akron, OH)
Dugger B. Making Change Work in a Mature Shared Governance Environment. (St Joseph’s Hospital; Atlanta, GA)
Volume 2, Issue 2:
O’Malley P. Is Nursing Lost? Guest Editorial. (The Ohio State Univeristy; Columbus, OH)
Jones L. Consultant’s Corner.
Cartwright K. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Upper Valley MC; Troy, OH)
Thomas B. Interviewing: A Process for Everyone. (Betty Thomas Associates; Atlanta, GA)
Jenkins JE. The Passion of Shared Governance. (Jenkins & Associates; Memphis, TN)
Collins ME. Successfully Implementing Self-Directed Work Teams in Health Care: Things to Consider, Things to Know. (People Power Consulting Services; Maineville, OH)
Volume 2, Issue 3:
Hess R. Connecting the Dots. Guest Editorial.
Jones L. Consultant’s Corner.
Hogan-Baur N. Rush to Empowerment. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (LAC & USC MC; Los Angeles, CA)
Crow G. Shared Governance in a World of Chaos, Change, and Evolution. (Sonoma State University; Rohnert, CA)
Anderson B. Using Shared Governance to Manage Organizational Change. (Children’s MC; Dayton, OH)
McDonagh K. Shared Governance: The Foundation for an Emerging American Healthcare System.(Saint Thomas Hospital; Nashville, TN)
Porter-O’Grady T. The Arista II. Sigma Theta Tau’s Gateway to the Future.
Volume 2, Issue 4:
Trofino J. An Empowered Workforce for the 21st Century. Guest Editorial. (Seton Hall University; South Orange, NJ)
Jones L. Is Normal Healthy? Consultant’s Corner.
Wessman J. A Journey in Shared Governance. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Akron General MC; Akron, OH)
Porter-O’Grady T, Hess R. Perspectives on Shared Governance. Interviews.
King MO, Pettigrew A. How to Better Understand Yourself and Your Work Team for Effective Shared Governance. (Xavier University & University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, OH)
Laschiner HK. Measuring Empowerment from Kanter’s Theoretical Perspective. (University of Western Ontario; London, Ontario, Canada)
Volume 3, Issue 1:
Apolito R. Healthcare Culture: Have We Really Learned to Share? Guest Editorial. (Healthcare Quality Management; Dayton, OH)
Jones L. Are You a Beginner or Expert! Consultant’s Corner.
Shugrue DT. Pandemic Change, Yet Some Things Do Remain the Same. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Memorial Health Care; Worchester, MA)
Blumgart DA. Collaborative Leadership. (Kaiser Hospital; Oakland/Richmond, CA)
Havens DS, Laschinger HS. Creating the Environment to Support Shared Governance: Kanter’s Theory of Power in Organizations. (Duke University School of Nursing; Durham, NC/ The University of Western Ontario; London, Ontario)
Dunham PE, Getter NT. “You’re Floating to the ICU…” (Sycamore Hospital; Miami, OH)
Kelly-Schutzenhofer K. Shared Governance and the Measurement of Autonomy. (St. Elizabeth’s Hospital; Belleville, IL)
Volume 3, Issue 2:
Cronenwett L. What We Haven’t Figured Out Yet. Guest Editorial. (Dartmouth-Hitchcock MC; Lebanon, NH)
Jones L. Does Nursing Need Sheep or Wolves? Consultant’s Corner.
Carlson JM. Nurses Should Be Part of the Solution. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center; Memphis, TN)
Foreman L, Parker M, Porter-O’Grady T. Information Management in a New Environment. (Community Hospitals of Central California; Fresno and Santa Rosa, CA)
George J. Nurses’ Perceived Autonomy in a Shared Governance Setting. (Lutheran Hospital of Indiana; Fort Wayne, IN)
Simms LM, Erbin-Roesemann M. Shared Governance Without Work Excitement: Not Likely! (University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI/Marymount University; Arlington, VA )
Volume 3, Issue 3:
Miller N. How to Find the Organization That Fits, and Won’t Give You Fits. Guest Editorial. (Nursing Economic$)
Jones L. Consultant’s Corner.
Wright S. Implementing Shared Governance in a Unionized Environment. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Hurley MC; Flint, MI)
Anthony MK. The Participation in Decision Activities Questionnaire: Development and Testingof Nurse Decision-Making Behavior. (Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve Univeristy; Cleveland, OH)
Shadley PK, Gossett LM. Unit-Based Councils: An Evolutionary Process. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Johns EF, Milward A. Organizational Culture and Nurses: Managing Culture to Optimize Performance. (Human Synergistics, Inc; Plymouth, MI/MI Research; Isle of Man, MI)
Porter-O’Grady T. The Arista II. Sigma Theta Tau’s Gateway to the Future.
Volume 3, Issue 4:
Risner PB. Healing Ourselves, Healing Others; Nurses’ Shared Responsibility. Guest Editorial. (Wright State University; Dayton, OH)
Jones L. Myths of Nursing and Healthcare. Consultant’s Corner.
Warfel WM. Lessons Learned. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive (Albert Einstein MC; Philadelphia, PA).
Duncan SM. Shared Governance: An Innovative Approach to Work Redesign. (Drake Center; Cincinnati, OH)
Shadley PK, Gossett LM. Unit-Based Councils: An Evolutionary Process. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Forlaw L. Outcomes Measurement: A Commentary. (Medical University of South Carolina; Charleston, SC)
Volume 4, Issue 1:
Fitzsimons S. Healthcare Culture: Have We Really Learned to Share? Guest Editorial.
Jones L. Are You in a Routine or a Rut? Consultant’s Corner.
Rusch L. Shared Governance: Redefining Ourselves for the New Millenium. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Hunterdon MC; Flemington, NJ)
Dugger B. Magnet Recognition, JCAHO Commendation, and Shared Governance. (Saint Joseph’s Hospital; Atlanta, GA)
Matta CB. Power: Effective Distribution. (Dwight David Eisenhower Army MC; Ft. Gordon, GA)
Martin P, Kahle Paden K. Longitudinal Research: Planning for Success (Miami Valley College of Nursing and Health; Dayton, OH/ Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Kelly-Schutzenhofer K. Shared Governance and the Measurement of Autonomy. (St. Elizabeth’s Hospital; Belleville, IL)
Volume 4, Issue 2:
Jones L. How Do Others Know You Are Passionate About Nursing? Consultant’s Corner.
Seaquist DR. The Evolution of Shared Governance. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. (Children’s Hospital MC; Cincinnati, OH)
Pearson MA. Shared Governance and Motivation: Planning for Success.
Gmeiner JL. Integrated Health Care Systems: Emerging Partnerships Driving Case Management. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Porter-O’Grady T. So, You’ve Heard About Empowerment. (University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI/Marymount University; Arlington, VA )
Volume 4, Issue 3:
Hess R. A Breed Apart: Real Shared Governance. Guest Editorial.
Jones L. Are You a Coach? Consultant’s Corner.
Jacoby J. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive. Sharp Memorial Hospital; San Diego, CA)
Porter-O’Grady T. Starting a Self-Managed Work Group.
Shadley PK, Gossett LM. Unit-Based Councils: An Evolutionary Process. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Belcher JVR. Shared Governance Measured by Organizational Culture Change. (Wayne State University; Dayton, OH)
Porter-O’Grady T. The Arista II. Sigma Theta Tau’s Gateway to the Future.
Volume 4, Issue 4:
Jones L. Where Are We As a Profession? Consultant’s Corner.
Scalise J. Promoting Leadership. Perspectives of a Chief Nurse Executive (Drake Center; Cincinnati, OH).
Gustin TJ, Mains JD. A Professional Practice Development Program: Remaining True to the Values of Nursing. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)
Kahle Paden K. Decision Making and Shared Governance: Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. (Miami Valley Hospital; Dayton, OH)