Dr. Lindell Joseph is a clinical professor and the director of the Health Systems/ Administration Program at the University of Iowa College of Nursing and the chief executive officer and lead nurse researcher for Courageous Healthcare Inc. Through mixed methods studies, Lindell and Dr. Richard Bogue co-developed the General Effectiveness Multilevel Theory for Shared Governance (GEMS), the only program theory for shared governance in nursing practice. GEMS is a systematic, evidence-based approach that prepares nursing leadership to gain higher productivity from the nursing work force and that enables nursing practice councils to become increasingly effective through three phases of shared governance. She serves as a consultant for GEMS through Courageous Healthcare.
In 2018, Lindell was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing. From 2016-2018, she served both on the American Organization for Nurse Executives board of directors and as an ex-officio member, on the American Hospital Association, Regional Policy Board for Region 6 (Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota). In 2014-2016, Lindell served on the board of directors for the Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing and was the vice president for Programs and Professional Development. While in that role, she served as the chair for the International Nursing Administration Research Conference in 2014 and 2016. She is currently on the editorial board for Nurse Leader and is on the Board of Directors for The AONL Foundation.
Dr. Joseph chairs the Innovation Scholarly Interest Group (SIG) at the University of Iowa College of Nursing whose purpose is to promote innovativeness across practice and academia. Through this SIG, a “Typology for Nursing Innovations” and the “Theoretical Framework for Innovations Across Practice and Academia” were developed. Recently, the SIG has begun work on a measure entitled, “Innovativeness Across Academia and Practice for Progress Scale (IA-APPS).”