Citations related to the development or use of the Hess Index of Professional Nursing Governance, Hess Index of Professional Governance, or Council Health survey instruments
Speroni KG, Budhathoki C, Walters C, Dutton S, Mackay P, Oguariri. (2022). Survey Research: Do All RN Types Have the Same Perceptions Regarding Professional Nursing Governance? Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(4):Publish Ahead of Print. Hess R, acknowledged.
Malinit C, Gabuya A, Taylor K, Paliwal M, Weaver SH. (2022). Council Fosters Engagement in Research and Shared Governance. Nursing Management. 53(3):6-10.
Al-Hamdan ZM, Abu-Erjeh T, Bawadi H, Ahmad M, Alhamdan M, Khalili H. (2022). Shared Governance among Nurses: A Descriptive Study from Jordan. Jordan Journal of Nursing Research, 1(2):47-54.
Edwards D, Brzozowski S, Rees S, Reisman M, Misna MJ, Rankin R. (2021). Advancing Shared Governance During a Pandemic. American Nurse. 16(10):66-68, 70.
Pierce A, Reynolds L, Courtney L. (November 11, 2021). Employees’ Perception of Professional Control and Governance. 2021 ANCC Pathway to Excellence and ANCC National Magnet Conference. Concurrent Session.
Speroni KG, Wisner K, Ober M, Haines F, Walters C & Budhathoki C. (2021). Effect of Shared Governance on Nurse Sensitive Indicator and Satisfaction Outcomes by Magnet Recognition Status. Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(7/8):379-388. Hess R, acknowledged.
Speroni KG. (June 28-31, 2021). Effects of Professional Nursing Governance on Nurse-Related Outcomes. 4th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice. Virtual Conference.
Melanie Ober, BSN, RN; Karen Speroni, PhD, BSN, MHSA, RN; Amy Stafford, DNP, RN, CMSRN. (2021). Effect of Professional Nursing Governance on Nurse-Related Outcomes. Online poster for 2021 Summit, Maryland Action Coalition.
Speroni KG, Wisner K, Stafford A, Haines F, AL-Ruzzieh MA, Walters C & Budhathoki C. (2021). Effect of Shared Governance on Nurse Sensitive Indicator and Satisfaction Outcomes: An International Comparison. Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(5):287-296. Hess R, acknowledged.
Walden M, Eddy LA, Huett A, Ramick A, Jeffs, D, Scott Roberson A. (2021) Use of the Council Health Survey to assess shared governance in a pediatric hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurse Leader,, 20(3):306-315. DOI:
Hess R. (2020, August). Shared governance is everywhere. Insight, Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses.
Khraisat O, Al-awamreh K, Hamden M, et al. (2020). Shared governance: A children’s hospital journey to clinical nursing excellence. Journal of Research in Nursing, 0(0):1-12. doi/10.1177/1744987120905620
Hess R, Bonamer J, Swihart D, Brull S. (2020). Measuring council health to transform shared governance processes and practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(2): 104-108. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000849
Krcil S. (2020). Redesigning shared decision making: One organization’s journey. Nursing Management, 51(1):44-49.
Swihart D, Hess, R. (2019). Shared Governance. The Essentials for Building Competencies and Measuring Progress. Marblehead, MA: HCPro.
Choi S, Kim M. Effects of structural empowerment and professional governance on autonomy and job satisfaction of the Korean nurses. (2019). Journal of Nursing Management. 00:1-9.
Sajan S. Faisal W. (2019). Registered nurses perception of shared governance with Index Professional Nursing Governance Tool Perception of Shared Governance. Texila International Journal of Nursing, 5(2):1-12.
Weaver SH, Hess RG, Williams B, Guinta L, Paliwal M. (2018). Measuring shared governance: One healthcare system’s experience. Nursing Management, 49(10):11-14.
Swihart D, Hess, R. (2014, 2019). Shared Governance. A Practical Approach to Transforming Interprofessional Healthcare. 4rd ed. Marblehead, MA: HCPro.
Fiore T, Zito A, Berardinelli A, Bena JF, Morrison SL, Keck DE, Kennedy K, Stibich A, Albert NM. (2018). Staff perceptions of decision-making in a shared governance culture. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(11):561-566.
Silva DM. (2018). Improving structural empowerment: Shared to Professional governance. Doctoral Capstone Project. Oregon Health & Science University. Scholar Archive. 4060.
Dechairo-Marino AE, Collin ME, Mendelson SG, Highfield MEF, Hess, RG. (2018). Enhancing and Advancing Shared Governance through a Targeted Decision-Making Redesign. Journal of Nursing Administration. 48(9):445-451.
Hess R, Tebben A. (2018). Participating in shared governance, from student to nurse. Imprint. 65(3):38-41.
Hess R. (2017). Professional governance. Another new concept? Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(1):1-2.
Hess R. (2016). Shared governance. Letter to the editor. Nursing Outlook, 64(6):530. DOI:
Hashish AA, Fargally SM. (2018). Assessment of professional nursing governance and hospital Magnet components at Alexandria Medical Research Institute, Egypt. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 8(3):37-47.
Al-Dib’I O, Al-Subhi S, Haines F. (2016). Nurses’ perception of professional shared governance at a multicultural hospital in Saudi Arabia. Session at 2016 Magnet Conference, Orlando, FL.
Cohen CS. (2015). Leveraging the power of shared governance. Doctoral Capstone Project. Walden University, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract.
Brull S. (2015). Successful shared governance through education. Nursing Economic$, 33(6):314-319.
Tono R. (2015). Professional nursing governance: Qualitative systematic review and transcultural adaptation from the IPNG to use in Brazil. Master’s these. Federal University of Santa Catalina. (Portuguese). Abstract.
Cadmus E, Helms P, Christopher MA Hawkey R. (2015). Interprofessional shared governance: the VNSNY experience. Nursing Management, 46(9):34-41.
Meyers MM, Costanzo C. Shared governance in a clinic setting. (2015). Nursing Administration Quarterly, 39(1)51-57.
Swihart D, Hess R. (2014). Shared Governance, Third Edition. A Practical Approach to Transforming Interprofessional Heathcare. Marblehead, MA: HCPro. IPNG and IPG (2.0) included in entirety.
Hess R. Shared Governance: No Turning Back. (2014). Nurse Leader, 12(4):4042.
Mouro G, Tashjian H, Bachir R, Afeef M, Hess R. (2013). Comparing nurses’ perceptions of governance related to hospitals’ journey to excellence status in the Middle East. Nursing Economic$, 31(4).
Lamoureux J, Judkins-Cohn T, Buteo R, McCue V, Garcia F. (2014). Measuring perceptions of shared governance in clinical practice: psychometric testing of the RN-focused Index of Professional Nursing Governance (IPNG). Journal of Research in Nursing, 19(1):69-87. Originally published online 4 Oct 2013.
Clavelle JT, Porter-O’Grady T, Drenkard K. (2013). Structural Empowerment and the Nursing Practice Environment in Magnet Organizations. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(11): 566-573.
Wilson E. (2013). Evaluating shared governance for nursing excellence. Doctoral Capstone Project. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV. Abstract. Complete Doctoral Capstone.
Brull S. (2012). Developing, sustaining, and measuring shared governance. Independent study, DNP program. University of Maryland School of Nursing. Abstract.
Silverstein W. (2012). Shared governance and its relationship to outcomes. Doctoral capstone project. Rutgers University College of Nursing. Abstract.
Overcash J, Petty LJ, Brown S. (2012). Perceptions of shared governance among nurses at a Midwestern hospital. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 36(4): E1-E11.
Esmalla-Kosanam G. (2012). Comparison of nursing practice in Magnet and non-Magnet hospitals using Hess’s Index of Professional Nursing Governance. Doctoral dissertation. University of Phoenix. Abstract.
Rheingans JI. (2012). The alchemy of shared governance: Turning steel (and sweat) into gold. Nurse Leader, 10(1): 40-42.
Bennett PN, Ockerby C, Begbie J, Chalmers C, Hess RG Jr, O’Connell B. (2012). Professional nursing governance in a large Australian health service. Contemporary Nurse, 43(1):99-106. Full text.
Hess R. (2011). Slicing and dicing shared governance – In and around the numbers. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(3): 1-7.
Hoying C, Allen SR. (2011). Enhancing shared governance for interdisciplinary practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(3): 252-259.
Barden AM, Griffin MTQ, Donahue M, Fitzpatrick JJ. (2011). Shared governance and empowerment in registered nurses working in a hospital setting. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(3): 212-218.
Anderson EF. (2011). A case for measuring governance. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(3): 197-203.
Singh R. (2010). Shared Governance As a Source of Nurse Empowerment. Doctoral Capstone. Florida Atlantic University. Fort Lauderdale, FL. Abstract.
Barden AM. (2009). Shared Governance and Empowerment in Nurses Working in a Hospital Setting. Doctoral dissertation. Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland, OH. Abstract.
Butts U, Helms S, Kinker P. (2007). Defining Readiness for Shared Governance Using the Index for Professional Nursing Governance in a Hospital in a Rural Setting. Richmond, VA. Poster at the Mid-Atlantic Nursing Leadership Conference.
Swihart D. (2006). Shared Governance . A Practical Approach to Reshaping Professional Nursing Practice. Marblehead, MA: HCPro. Entire IPNG and IPG included.
Weston M. (2006). Antecedents to Control Over Nursing Practice. Doctoral dissertation. College of Nursing, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ. Abstract.
Report on Use of IPNG Participation Subscale.
Brooks, B., Omeoike, O., Shaver, S., et al. (2005). Measuring nursing shared governance. Presentation at From Nursing Science to the Nursing Workplace: Creating New Pathways. National Nursing Administration Research Conference, October 5-8, Tucson, AZ.
Nursing Executive Center Practice Brief. (2005). Toward Staff-Driven Decision Making. Assessing, Building, and Sustaining a Shared Governance Model. Washington, DC: The Advisory Board Company. Entire IPNG included.
Hess, R. (February, 2004). From bedside to boardroom – Nursing shared governance. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Available at The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.
Pettitt, L. (2002). Nursing governance and staff nurses self-concept. Master’s thesis. Gardner-Webb University; Boiling Springs, NC. King’s conceptual framework used to guide a comparison of nurses’ self-concept related to traditional and shared governance models. Abstract.
Howell, J., Frederick, J., Ollinger, B., Hess, R., et al. (2001). Can nurses govern in a government agency? Journal of Nursing Administration, 31: 187-195.
Lee L., Yang K., Lee C., and Wu S. (2001). An evaluation of the effects of the implementation of UBSG on nurses’ perceptions of professional governance [Chinese]. Journal of Nursing research (China), 9(1):5-13.
Lee C., Yang, K., Wu S., and Lee L. (2001). The effectiveness of implementing a unit-based shared governance model [Chinese].Journal of Nursing research (China), 9(2): 125-36.
Anderson, E. (2000). Empowerment, job satisfaction, and professional governance of nurses in hospitals with and without shared governance. Doctoral dissertation. School of Nursing, Louisiana State University Medical Center; New Orleans, Louisiana. Abstract.
Hess, R. (1998). A breed apart – Real shared governance. Journal of Shared Governance, 4(3): 5-6.
Hess, R. (1998). Measuring nursing governance. Nursing Research, 47(1): 35-42.
Lee, C. (1998). The effect of implementation of shared governance in nursing administration. Master’s thesis. School of Nursing, National Defense Medical Center; Taipei, Taiwan.
George, V., Burke, L.J., and Rodgers, B.L. (1997). Assessing Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Governance and Professional Practice Autonomy After Hospital Acquisition. Journal of Nursing Administration, 27(5):53-61.For more information about this research with the INPG contact Laura J. Burke, RN, PhD, FAAN.
Staff. (1996). Journal of Shared Governance, 2(4):11-15. Interview of Robert Hess and Tim Porter-O’Grady addressing 13 questions concerning the progress and future of shared governance.
Hess, R. (1996). Connecting the dots. Guest editorial. Journal of Shared Governance, 2(3): 5-8.
Kang, S. (1995). A comparison of shared governance and nursing unit culture in three hospitals. Master’s thesis. Yonsei University; Seoul, Korea. IPNG used in comparative study of governance and organizational culture in national, corporate, and teaching hospitals in Korea. Abstract.
Hess, R. (1995). Shared governance: Nursing’s 21st century Tower of Babel. Journal of Nursing Administration, 25(5): 14-17.
Hess, R. (1994). Reputational shared governance. Journal of Nursing Administration, 24(4): 9, 15.
Hess, R. (1994). Shared governance: Innovation or imitation? Nursing Economic$, 12(1), 28-34.