Brull S. (2012). Developing, Sustaining, and Measuring Shared Governance. Independent Study, DNP Program. University of Maryland School of Nursing.
AbstractThis study examined the degree in which shared governance (SG) is practiced before and after implementation of a strategic SG program. Evidence demonstrates that SG is important in creating a healthy work environment. However, many leaders assume they have SG in place without empirical evidence to support this claim. A descriptive quasi-experimental study was conducted to measure the degree of shared governance over a 3-year period. Concurrently, structures and processes were put in place to strengthen and elevate SG. Results indicated there was a significant change from traditional governance to shared governance over three years as well as significant differences depending on the age and degree of the nurse responding. Creating a SG environment takes a long time. Appropriate structures, processes, and education, along with empirical evidence must be in place for it to be successful.
Questions? Contact the author, Stacey Brull.