Silverstein W. (2012)

Silverstein W. (2012). Shared Governance and its Relationship to Outcomes. Caspstone Project. Rutgers University College of Nursing.

This study was designed to compare the results of an 86-item questionnaire with patient outcomes such as patient falls, pressure ulcers, readmission rate and length of stay, and nurse and patient satisfaction to determine if there was a relationship. Shared Governance is a structure and process that has been shown to improve nurse empowerment, job autonomy and accountability – all positive effects for nursing. A study completed at a 640-bed acute care medical center in northern New Jersey is described. Two medical-surgical areas were included. The Index of Professional Nursing Governance (IPNG), a valid and reliable tool, was used to measure the staff’s perception of the level of governance on these units. Statistical correlations were completed using the IPNG scores and specific patient and nurses satisfaction outcomes for both units. There was no statistically significant difference in the scores from 1991 compared to 2011 and between both units. Outcome data showed that there were significant differences between the units in terms of length of stay, rates of 30 day readmission and rate of falling, indicating other factors may be associated with this result.

Questions? Contact the author, Wendy Silverstein.